How To Write Web Content For Your E-Commerce Business

Learn to write relevant SEO content for product descriptions, articles, reviews, blogs, and all types of Web pages. Create relevant meta tags & increase your relevancy score.


In this book, "The Pragmatic Art of Writing and Designing Relevant Web Content" you will learn about writing for the web, keywords, building content for a web page, keyword research, hidden secrets about relevancy, link building, (SEO) Search Engine Optimization, (SEM) Paid Search Engine Marketing, contextual elements of a web page, and much more. The Pragmatic Art of Writing and Designing Relevant Web Content will provide you with a sample article, product page, and SEM ad.

This information will allow you to better understand what is being offered to you by an SEO marketing firm, professional or what is being presented to you by your own staff. As a business/website owner, you will learn what the essentials of SEO are and by knowing what you need, you will inherently discover what the unnecessary bells and whistles are that you do not need to be paying for. Focus on the guts, the goodies come later.

You will learn the correct questions to ask when interviewing a Search Engine Optimization firm, and how they should answer. You will learn what you should and should not be paying for, and how long each process should take. We will go over some of the techniques used and what the end results should be.

If an "expert" tells you that they can guarantee a number one position in Google, find another marketing expert. Nobody can guarantee anything with technology changing as quickly as it does.

I will provide you with some simple tools that you can use to check your results and see how each page will measure up on completion.